Thursday, March 18, 2010


Last week was like any other day at school. I was in the middle of talking to my friend and broke the seal of my V8 juice and then set it down again, and continued my conversation. After I had finished talking to her I picked up my juice and shook it (tomato juice settles) forgetting I had broken the seal....V8 juice exploded all over me!! Dripping down my face, down my shirt, in my hair and on my pants. I turned to my friend Arica and just said "OH MY GOSH!!". She looked at me and I had thick V8 juice dripping down my eyelids. Keep in mind that this all happened at the beginning of class. My teacher said that it looked like OJ Simpson had come into class. Awesome! In all the chaos I didnt get a picture of it...I wish.


Arica said...

i would totally let you re-enact that moment so we can get a staged photo, just so we can say 'yes, THAT is what it was like' ...oh my AMAZING MOMENT! i will cherish it forever. (:

Karen said...

Lauren, sorry I did not get to talk with you at church today. Maybe you could let your mom see Julie's blog because she wasn't aware of any of the awful parts after Julie's c-section.

With love,
Karen Rose

Nicole Meamber said...